Vittetoe Wins Gamechanger Award for Community Service
January 12, 2024
Jeremy Vittetoe, Engineering Manager at Bazooka Farmstar, was recently honored with a Bigger Than Us gamechanger award for his volunteer work organizing a local school’s annual fundraising event.
Vittetoe has worked at Bazooka Farmstar for 4 years and has been called out for his gamechanging work previously. This round, he said that he was surprised and honored to receive the recognition from his peers. When asked what led to the award, Vittetoe shared that he and his wife Katee are very involved with St. James Church and School in Washington, Iowa. “It’s a way to step up and serve others, especially with tasks that others don’t want to do,” he said.
Previously, Vittetoe had been part of small committees for the St. James annual Fall Fest event. But this past year, he and Katee took on leadership roles in organizing the entire event which includes a meal, auction, and activities. They managed over 200 volunteers across 14 different committees to ensure the event’s success. Proceeds from the Fall Fest help support St. James School, where the Vittetoes’ three kids attend.
Vittetoe credited the school, community, and volunteers for making it a rewarding experience despite the challenges. “The most challenging part is identifying enough volunteers and making sure they all have what they need to be successful,” he explained.
As for advice to others striving to make a positive community impact, Vittetoe said, “Don’t be afraid to put yourself out there. Also, don’t be afraid to ask for help. Many want to have events like this (Fall Fest) and want to see their success, but don’t always know that help is needed.”
It comes by no surprise that Jeremy has also selected St. James as the not-for-profit that will receive the $100 donation in his name.
When asked what keeps him engaged at Bazooka Farmstar, Vittetoe shared, “The people are still the most enjoyable part of the job and are an extended part of the family. Also, I like the fast-paced and ever-changing work. We can see the impact quickly on the projects we work on.”
Congratulations to Jeremy Vittetoe on this well-deserved recognition for making a difference in his community! His efforts empowered an annual tradition supporting children’s education and created an invaluable memory for all involved.
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